Итого должно получится так ( на картах Google ):

Модераторы: Vikk, smax99, ДВГ, D A B, NeoZoom
Your model is not being considered for Google Earth for the following reasons:
Not Google Earth Ready - Your model is not marked ready for Google Earth. Edit the model details and select the 'Google Earth Ready' option.
Thanks very much for your ongoing contribution to the worldwide geo-modeling effort. We look forward to seeing more of your models soon.
The Google 3D Warehouse Team
DAB68 писал(а):Окончательный ответ от Гугл пришел в 13.56 сегодня:Your model is not being considered for Google Earth for the following reasons:
Not Google Earth Ready - Your model is not marked ready for Google Earth. Edit the model details and select the 'Google Earth Ready' option.
Thanks very much for your ongoing contribution to the worldwide geo-modeling effort. We look forward to seeing more of your models soon.
The Google 3D Warehouse Team
Через две недели иду в отпуск.
Вот подумал - может пока наши монолиты не застеклили
поднять в 3D - 2, 4 или 8 корпуса.
Интереснее конечно 4.
2 и 8 это будет просто ctrl c ctrl v
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